Seasoned Ironman Competitor Kristofor Behn has never let the weather get in the way of his workout routine. But, let’s face it: some winter days are just a little too cold for a run. Toss in some ice with those frigid temperatures and the jog just isn’t worth the risk!

When you find outdoor temperature too frigid for your regular run, try out Ironman Competitor Kristofor Behn’s Indoor Strength Training for Runners on Off-Season:
Power Push-Ups
Start your workout with determination. Power push-ups are a great way to set the pace for a powerful workout. Kristofor Behn recommends at least 14 reps, but do what works best for you. A power push-up is different from a traditional push-up, in that the motion is fast on the way up, with a slow and gradual 3-second count going down. Power push-ups are no sweat for your average Ironman Competitor or Triathlon Athlete; but this maneuver isn’t for beginners. Do not attempt this portion of the workout if you are not already capable of doing a minimum of 20 consecutive regular form push-ups.
V-ups are a fantastic move to add to any indoor workout. This maneuver combines two already effective exercise moves: crunches and leg raises. To practice v-ups, position yourself so that you are lying flat on your back. Make sure that your arms are at your sides. Next, lift your legs and arms up at the same time, gradually lifting higher until your body is positioned in a V shape. Kristofor Behn recommends increasing difficulty with this maneuver over time, by holding your position for durations of 10, 15 and 20 seconds at a time before completing the V shape.
Working up a sweat? Good: you’re off to a great start! Check back later for more tips for runners and triathletes from Ironman vet, Kristofor Behn!
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