Kristofor Behn
Systems Architect | Entrepreneur
Kristofor Behn is a seasoned Systems Architect, Entrepreneur and Instrument Rated Private Pilot. Working with Metro West Businesses to propel growth and expansion, Behn has operated, scaled and facilitated successful exits across numerous industries.
Systems Architect
Kristofor Behn is a seasoned Systems Architect strengthened by decades of experience in developing, launching and growing startups to a successful scale. Behn’s career has resided within the small business sphere for numerous decades. From experience to experience, the Systems Architect and Entrepreneur has had the opportunity to fully appreciate the toll it takes to become a successful small business owner. Truly a rollercoaster ride, the experience is full of never ending hurdles to overcome. Luckily, Behn is not only an expert Entrepreneur and Marketing Strategist, but also an Ironman Competitor. This champion is no stranger to putting in the hard work and overcoming obstacles — in the office, out in the community and in marathons.

As a Systems Architect, Kristofor Behn brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table in analyzing business strategies. Throughout his career working to launch, build and grow Metro West Businesses, Behn has developed mastery in the growth of Customer Interaction, Marketing Strategy, Sales Pipeline Development, Micro-Targeted Marketing, Human Capital, M&A Strategy and Execution, Process Refinement, Social Media Exposure and Enterprise Value Creation.
Kristofor Behn is an Entrepreneur who has been through the rollercoaster ride of the startup sphere time and time again. He knows firsthand the difficult decisions that an entrepreneur is required to make throughout the journey. Certainly no cakewalk, the startup sphere is not for the faint of heart in business. That’s okay for Behn, who can relate to the triumph that emerges from the struggle of building and startup into a strong and successful small business. Behn translates his wealth of experience as an Entrepreneur to his consulting engagements for startups and small businesses in the metro west area.