Kristofor Behn is an Instrument Rated Private Pilot. Behn’s pilot logbook is full of thrilling adventures and harrowing flying stories.

Instrument Rated Private Pilot
Kristofor Behn is an Instrument Rated Private Pilot. Behn completed and received instrument proficiency through a program at Accelerated Flight & Instrument Training. With his instrument written under his belt, Behn was able to embark on a unique experience with AFIT. He reflects on the training experience fondly. He credits the wonderful and attentive instructors at AFIT with molding Behn into a safe and proficient private pilot. Behn particularly enjoyed the consistency of the program, which required him to fly everyday during the Ten day Instrument Program. As a result, the Private Pilot was able to fully master skills that he is able to utilize in his day to day flying activities.
What is Instrument Rating?
Instrument Rating is an intensive training program focused on pilots achieving mastery in flying solely by use of referencing instruments. This is a particularly crucial step in any pilot’s journey towards being able to fly under instrument flight rules. Kristofor Behn is proud to maintain appropriate licensing and qualifications as an Instrument Rated Pilot. Behn received his rating and necessary training at Accelerated Flight & Instrument Training under the guidance of Instructor Ed, who maintains nearly 10,000 hours of experience flying as a pilot.

Aircraft Flown
In his years of air travel, Kristofor Behn has been privileged to enjoy many thrilling adventures. His pilot logbook is stamped with stops in the most majestic cities and hidden corners of beauty in the world. To date, Behn’s favorite stops have included his flights to Sweden, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Mexico and Canada. Aircraft flown by Bhen include:
- Cessna 152
- Cessna 172
- Piper Warrior
- Piper Arrow
- Piper Cherokee Six
- Piper Saratoga
- Marchetti SF 260
- Cirrus SR22 T